Featured Projects
Throughout my journey, I've crafted over 200 websites and applications. While many projects remain in private repositories, here are some highlights that showcase my expertise in building scalable, modern web solutions.
Loguardian - Translation Bot
completedTranslation bot for Discord servers - Servering over 65000k users
TideFall - Dayz Server
completedDayz Tidefall Server - Servering their community.
Vexai - FAQ Bot
completedFAQ Bot - for getting faq answer from your community.
BingoBuilder - Bingo Card Generator
completedBingo Card Generator - for creating bingo cards for your community.
Delta Co Gaming - Website
completedWebsite for Delta Co Gaming - a gaming community.
More on GitHub
These are just a few examples from my portfolio. I've developed hundreds of projects ranging from small business websites to complex enterprise applications. Many projects are in private repositories due to client confidentiality, but I'm happy to discuss my experience in detail.